A walker spotted a mound of fur in a field near the dog path. It worried her as it was not moving but she was not sure if it was a dead or ill animal or a carpet. She tied up her dogs jumped the fence and discovered that this mound of fur was a young thin very weak Alpaca. The owner was tracked down but obviously had no intention of doing anything and the dog walker extracted permission to take the Alpaca out of the field where it was dying a painful solitary death. She had nowhere to care for it so rang us and 10pm that night arrived with Alpaca in tow. There is no happy ending. Despite extensive round the clock treatment and care the Alpaca was too far gone and was peacefully put to sleep 24 hours after arrival. The only positive thing to hold onto was that it died in a warm dry environment not out in a cold wet field and we brought in our resident Alpacas to the pen beside so it had companionship.